20p call of duty black ops cold war wallpaper
20p call of duty black ops cold war wallpaper

A benefit for the Ray Tracing Ultra settings is the darkness of the shadows, which can be seen on the couple in the front with the green and orange jackets. Another weird thing is that with ray tracing on, it creates a shadow on top of the paper on the ground. With it off, you can actually see the shadow from the woman on the left. This area doesn’t really show off the power of ray tracing. Ray Tracing Ultra Ray Tracing Medium Ray Tracing Off Here’s another look at ray tracing in a subway with a light source on the ceiling. This night level really doesn’t take advantage of ray tracing, and the shadows from the light sources are seen across the three settings seen above, whether they have ray tracing disabled or enabled. Ray Tracing on Ultra Ray Tracing on Medium Ray Tracing Off This one features a huge complex with searchlights and enemies all around. The details for Medium and Ultra are subtle, so you necessarily won’t be missing out on a lot if you opt for the Medium setting. The screenshots include Ray Tracing on Ultra and Medium. Your weapon is also affected by ray tracing, with more shadows from the sun above.

20p call of duty black ops cold war wallpaper

The shadows from the tree and the NPC (Woods) can be seen, and there are more shadow effects on the actual tree and on Woods’ body. In the area seen above, turning on ray tracing basically turns on shadows for other characters and objects.

20p call of duty black ops cold war wallpaper

Ray tracing offers all types of visual treats, but with Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, the developers focused on realistic shadows.

20p call of duty black ops cold war wallpaper

20p call of duty black ops cold war wallpaper